Sask NCF Haiti Team

Sask NCF Haiti Team

Our Team Members

Back:-Al Hackman and Taylor Hackman, Martin & Sharon Tracy-Craven, Sk. Annette Kendall & Colleen Harkins, Estevan, Sk. Elva Brisbois & Lynnise Davidowich Regina, Sk
Front row: Rita Wiebe Warman, Sask. Ruth Bartlett-Pangman, Sk. Ruth Stock-Rocky Mountain House, AB. Dr Amelia Du Preez & Carlene Ryan-Bonnyville, AB.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

What happpens under a mango tree.......

Hi everyone – I know you have been waiting with baited breath for my turn! My highlights have been handing out flip flops… as you would think if you hand one pair out after a foot care treatment then everyone comes and wants the same so needless to say after one day they were all gone! Let me tell you they were all much appreciated. The foot care has not been any less rewarding with the many blessing , hugs , kisses and hand squeezes. It is hard to describe the feelings after completing a person’s feet – who knows how far they may have walked to clinic that day – one story that has come to light – a man started out at 4am from the mountains to arrive at clinic for 10 am. A well deserved treatment is just what the doctor ordered! My office under the mango tree has been the best office I could ever ask for - beautiful weather, a breeze to cool you, never ending action of Haitians working on the medical clinic, technical school and the children playing at the school. Another note when you work under the mango tree, you need to keep looking up - one afternoon a mouse fell out of the tree right beside me – the mouse had his ”bell rung”, the Haitian lady picked up her shoe and flipped the mouse off to the side while I was already running the other way- the ladies killed themselves laughing at me – needless to say I was a little jumpy after that!
As the week rolled on, my nursing services were required in the clinic as 2 nurses needed some extra rest. I spent the morning in the pharmacy – much more appreciation to the many pharmacists following this blog! Then finally a chance in the clinic to see patients – translator Kelly at my side! I am proud to say that my skills were put to use – a malaria case, a 7 day old baby boy delivered at home - sixth child for Mom, upper respiratory infection and an eye injury from tree branches! Primary nursing at its best!
At the beginning of the week, I had spoke to Marc and Lisa regarding purchasing of goats for families. I had enough money for three goats so Marc sent Christoph to the market today to find the finest goats money could buy! At noon he returned to the compound with 3 female goats -2 black and one brown/black. We tied them up to cinder bricks, fed them a handful of mango leaves and watered them before we headed off to the beach for the afternoon. Upon returning from the beach my first recipient was brought to pick up her goat. Even without translation my lady chose the black female goat who was pregnant! With translation I presented her with her gift – the smile on her face will not be forgotten! The fisty goat was a handful for her as she was carrying a nine month old so one of the Haitian boys led the goat home for her – who knows what kind of home this goat was going to. While walking in the town I saw goats eating charcoal – hopefully my goat gets more than that! The other two goats will be kept in the compound for the week until Marc returns to choose the other families who will benefit the most, he promised me pictures with the families!
Friday afternoon was a day that I will not ever forget – first of all it has taken me all week to decide that I would sponsor the little nine month boy that his grandmother was having much difficult taking care of . His name is David and he is very much on the small side. I had asked Marc that if I were to sponsor this baby I would like to be able to hold him and have pictures of him before I left next week – my prayers were answered. Many pictures have been taken, even his feet and hands traced for a keepsake! I know that with my sponsorship, David will have the everyday opportunities of food, clothing and medical attention to take care of his needs. After the little details were taken care with Pastor Marc, I asked to become a Christian and accept the Lord that Friday afternoon under the mango tree…I have the spirit and the life to go forth and the smile on my face has not left……..
To all my family and friends… I will come home but I will be returning!
PS The lady with the first goat is David`s gramma!!


  1. Glad you are having a good time. I am so proud of you and the work you do.

  2. WWWWOOOOOOHOOOOOOO welcome to the family!! wow am I ever happy to hear this. you will be in my prayers for a very long time. stay strong and may God be with you all the way. That little boy's life has been changed forever. :D

  3. Wheezer, you are so good, you're such an angel for these people! dp
