Sask NCF Haiti Team

Sask NCF Haiti Team

Our Team Members

Back:-Al Hackman and Taylor Hackman, Martin & Sharon Tracy-Craven, Sk. Annette Kendall & Colleen Harkins, Estevan, Sk. Elva Brisbois & Lynnise Davidowich Regina, Sk
Front row: Rita Wiebe Warman, Sask. Ruth Bartlett-Pangman, Sk. Ruth Stock-Rocky Mountain House, AB. Dr Amelia Du Preez & Carlene Ryan-Bonnyville, AB.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

We're here!

We’re here!!
Months of planning, almost 2 days of travel, sudden gate changes, nosy (but ultimately friendly) US custom officials and of course the unforgettable minivan ride from Port-Au-Prince (PAP) to the Haiti Arise compound and we are finally here. Everything went as smoothly as possible, except for having to pay $250 in Miami to get the oxygen concentrator on the plane. The same item got us through PAP though! The customs official opened it looking for medication and was quite unimpressed with our treasure. By then the 3 of us carrying the medication were through already and the lady simply waved Sharon through. Praise God we even found Al’s suitcase (only missing piece of luggage) at the last minute!
Al has been a blast to have on this trip so far. The US customs official asked him what an ambu-bag was (used with a mask to ventilate a patient in CPR) and Al calmly said :”I guess that’s a bag you put someone in to load them on an ambulance”. The custom official was totally satisfied with that answer!!
It is really hot and we are guzzling down gallons of water. Probably around 30 Celsius, but fairly humid. We went to church this morning at the compound. The building is just a roof on wooden pillars, but was packed. We estimate 400 people. These people are obviously devoted to Jesus and their worship was an uplifting experience. Our group picture was taken right after church.
Despite the reports we are seeing lots of evidence of rebuilding of the country although still extreme poverty and most people still living in tents or temporary shelters. Had a tour on foot through the “neighbourhood” after lunch and we have LOTS to be thankful for.
The clinic is just about set up and 8 am tomorrow we get going.
Prayer requests:
1.) Health for all the team members so we can finish the task
2.) The ability to get through all the patients. Although we expected we can manage 600 patients in the time we are here, it seems a lot more tickets were possibly handed out.
3.) Spiritual growth for all the team members as we are all somewhat out of our comfort zones
Love you all! Till next time.
Dr Amelia


  1. Super glad to hear and see you guys have arrived safe. Very happy that you didn't have any major problems with the airports. Have been praying and thinking of you as you travel. And look forward to your daily blogs as you fulfil your mission in Haiti.
    Hugs & Kisses to Grandma & Grandpa Tracy.

    Love, Landie, Jon, Elliot & Kaitlyn Maat

  2. Wow what a relief to see that you all made it safe and sound. Glad that there wernt too many problems and no majr ones. It sounds like you are all having fun and We will al be praying for you here at home. it looks like there is an amaznig team and I am sure God will move you all in a very magnificent way. the boy in the back looks really excited too. :)

  3. Thanking the Lord for your safe journey! Praying Matthew 10:1 and anticipating great things as you minister in Jesus Name!

    Love and prayers,
    Louise from Ontario
