Sask NCF Haiti Team

Sask NCF Haiti Team

Our Team Members

Back:-Al Hackman and Taylor Hackman, Martin & Sharon Tracy-Craven, Sk. Annette Kendall & Colleen Harkins, Estevan, Sk. Elva Brisbois & Lynnise Davidowich Regina, Sk
Front row: Rita Wiebe Warman, Sask. Ruth Bartlett-Pangman, Sk. Ruth Stock-Rocky Mountain House, AB. Dr Amelia Du Preez & Carlene Ryan-Bonnyville, AB.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Ruth's Ramblings

Hello family and friends
It is hard to believe that a week ago today I left for Edmonton to start this Haiti trip. We have had some many experiences that are new and foreign to us. The temperature was in the 30’s with high humidity today, but I won’t complain even though the sweat was running down my brow and my clothes were sticking to my skin. (I hear it is still cold in RMH)! We saw 147 people in the clinic today and unfortunately we have run out of sun glasses and are getting very short on certain medications. Almost every other person we see has irritated itchy eyes from the smoke from the fires from cooking, dust and the sun. People have been so appreciative of the medical supplies that we have been able to give out because of your generosity in helping us with supplies for this trip. I saw a little boy yesterday who had cut his finger deeply with some sheet metal and had gone to the Hospital for stitches. He received a prescription for antibiotics, but he couldn’t afford to get it filled. The bandage on his finger was dirty and he was reluctant to let me change it because he wanted to make sure I would put another one on. We were able to fill his prescription and after dressing his finger we gave him supplies to change it at home for the next few days. We have awesome young translators who learned their English at school here in Haiti. They are very fluent and we could not have done this work without them. The team have hired them with the money that you have donated as well. It has not been a holiday. We start at 6:30 with devotions and end our clinic around 5:30 – 6:00. Tonight we had a church service until 7:15 pm, then supper! So needless to say our team retires early.Saturday and Sunday afternoon are beach days! We will enjoy the rest and the Caribbean Ocean. Even though the work is hard none of us would trade this experience ! I love and miss you Gord! See you Wednesday night! Ruth Stock

1 comment:

  1. wow it sounds like everybody is working really hard. I will pray that God provides you with all the rest you need seeing how full your day looks. Keep working hard and I know for sure that God is smiling the biggest smile down at all the things you are doing for Him.
