Sask NCF Haiti Team

Sask NCF Haiti Team

Our Team Members

Back:-Al Hackman and Taylor Hackman, Martin & Sharon Tracy-Craven, Sk. Annette Kendall & Colleen Harkins, Estevan, Sk. Elva Brisbois & Lynnise Davidowich Regina, Sk
Front row: Rita Wiebe Warman, Sask. Ruth Bartlett-Pangman, Sk. Ruth Stock-Rocky Mountain House, AB. Dr Amelia Du Preez & Carlene Ryan-Bonnyville, AB.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Much happens under the mango trees

Greeting again from Ruth Bartlett. Part of our program has included ministry to the inner wounds that are in the hearts of these beautiful Haitian people. I have been so honoured and blessed to counsel and pray with individuals referred to me form the main clinic. My counselling office is a school desk and a couple of chairs under a mango tree. I have lots of stories and I will briefly share one highlight. On Tuesday I counselled a beautiful girl age 14 who was very distraught with the teasing she received from school. Other classmates made fun and laughed at her. I gave her some Creole Bible verses and prayed different girl from the one I first saw on Tuesday. This is only one example of what is happening under the mango tree on the grounds of this mission compound. I appreciate your prayers to help both physical and spiritual needs of these people. Ruth Bartlett

1 comment:

  1. Thats amazing. I guess when i think of haiti all i think about is te poverty and the need. But I never had the thought that people go through the same emotional struggles that we do. it really opens my eyes and shows me how glad I am to have good role models in my life.
