Sask NCF Haiti Team

Sask NCF Haiti Team

Our Team Members

Back:-Al Hackman and Taylor Hackman, Martin & Sharon Tracy-Craven, Sk. Annette Kendall & Colleen Harkins, Estevan, Sk. Elva Brisbois & Lynnise Davidowich Regina, Sk
Front row: Rita Wiebe Warman, Sask. Ruth Bartlett-Pangman, Sk. Ruth Stock-Rocky Mountain House, AB. Dr Amelia Du Preez & Carlene Ryan-Bonnyville, AB.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Day of Rest and Reflection

Today has been a true “Day of Rest” for me. I tried to go to church this morning but that lasted about 5 minutes and I realized I needed to be in my room and very close to the bathroom! This afternoon the rest of the team headed for the beach again and I have had some time to reflect on this entire past week. I have so much to be thankful for and often take for granted. These are just a few things I have thought of.
1)My family.
Many children in Haiti are orphaned or abandoned. We have seen many children brought in by their grandmother. What is even worse is that we learned from Pastor Marc, that many children are given away as slaves as the parents can’t provide for them. These children are not treated well and ‘Haiti Arise’ will be rescuing many of them in the future and putting them in their ‘Children’s Village’. They hope to build many homes on some newly purchased land, then putting these kids in the homes with foster parents who will love them.
2)Health care.
There is a small hospital in town that cannot even come close to providing the amount of care needed. The smallest things like a sterile cord clamp and scissors could prevent many babies born at home from dying of Tetanus. This past week every pregnant woman planning to deliver at home (which is most) was given a package with these essentials and a Tetanus shot.
3)Water, Sewer and Electricity.
Water is hauled from wells scattered here and there. Some homes have power but it is not uncommon to see any kind of wire (even barbed wire) strung like a string of Christmas lights to the main city line in order to tap into its system. Hard to believe but it is true! Many people in our clinic did not know how to use a toilet because they had never seen one before.
I could go on and on. I do not understand why I have these things and they do not but this I do know. Our God is their God and He loves us all. By faith we are to trust in Him. I pray that through the small things we have done and will be doing, some can grasp this and hold on tight! Carlene


  1. wow I hope you get better soon. Thank you for pointing these things out. it is very often that we in a priveleged country takes what we have for granted. What you guys have done there has also let me see my life in a new light. thank you and I will be praying for you.

  2. Your lack of presence aside...we know that you've been gone a longtime since at every meal Parker points out specific spots for Daddy, Mom, and Bampa at our kitchen table! LOL!

    We are so proud of the work you are doing! WIshing you a speedy recovery...We miss you SOOOO much! Stay Safe!

    Love, Andrea

  3. Glad you had the chance to rest for the day mom. I hope that you feel better today already. Parker's advice would be to eat some nanas. :) hahaha. You are in our prayers everynight. We look forward to seeing you very soon. (I'm guessing if you are up to it, you'll make the rounds on Thursday?)
    Love Joelle
